Sunday, 11 November 2012

A few outlandish conversions and yet more HQ's

Righto, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything but hey, I've been busy. Get off my back already!


Anyway, here's a few of the things that I've been working on recently, and a few in progress shots too.

Firstly, a Khornate Lord on Juggernaut, with the (pretty scary game-wise) Axe of Blind Fury. To the extent of the latter, he is in fact actually blind, which I thought was a nice image.
As you can see, I've kept the overall colour scheme of the rest of the army, with a red helm and right shoulder-pad to match the Khorne Berserkers that I've already got painted up.

The axe does actually have teeth, it's a rather large chainaxe stolen from an Ork Nob from the Assault on Black Reach box-set.  The legs are from an old metal Chaos Knight. 
I'm yet to try him out in a game, but I reckon he'll be pretty deadly when run with a squad of bikes (or maybe spawn, anything that can keep up really). The juggernaut finally being a cavalry model (that took what, 3 editions?) coupled with 7+D6 Str 5 AP2 attacks on the charge makes him a scary one!


Next up is my Dark Apostle, who needs a couple of bits finished off that I didn't notice until after I took the picture. You might recognise him as previously being equipped differently from a previous post (he used to have a plasma pistol and power sword, being initially put together prior to the new codex). A quick arm and hand swap made better use of the model.
I still need to decorate his crozius properly and highlight his face.  
It's good having a cheap, well equipped HQ that grants fearless but I really like that Ld bubble he gives to surrounding units. Very handy, especially given the across-the-board drop in Ld the new codex took.



Made of Trees!!!!

Because I can!!!!!!!

The fire is polystyrene in case you wondered, apparently someone did. 

A better shot of the wingspan. It's pretty much the same size as an actual heldrake, which is surprising as I eyeballed the whole thing. 

The fire comes out, for both storage/transport and, well, moving around the board. 
The body/wings/neck/tail are all made out of  the Citadel Wood kit (which I love, and need to buy another one of!). The claws are dryad legs attached to some spare defiler legs and the rest is just spare armour plates from the soulgrinder/defiler kits. And those prominent spines from the old Dark Eldar raider.

I'm pretty proud of the model to be honest, I think it's come out really well.


Speaking of flyers... Here's a hell blade. I've made another, near identical one. They're both built on a foamboard frame, covered in superglue/tissue papier maché. The engine block/undercarriage is made of parts of a toy gun from the pound-shop.

I've painted a few reddish patches, to sort of look like it's burning from the inside.

Those air-intakes are simply super-glue pot lids. The Autocannons are kebab skewers and plastic tubing. The cockpit is a dryad body with a lot of the spare plant parts. I intend to find some kind of translucent canopy in near future. 

Close up of the gun barrel that's become an undercarriage. 

Unfortunately, due to the incredibly scratch-built nature of this product, I don't think it'll go down too well at the local GW. However, if I ever start playing at a club, I'll probably be fielding these as counts-as Heldrakes with a Hades autocannon, as I don't yet have the book with the 6ed flyer rules from Forge world.


Here's a couple of HQ choices.

This guy stands considerably taller than your average marine, as his legs and waist have been lengthened. I thought I'd equip him with a very basic power weapon and plasma pistol loadout.

Basecoated Lord based on the Kranon model with Lightning Claw and the awesome Burning Brand.

To the left is a close up of the Burning Brand of Skegness... or whatever. As you can see, it's an amalgamation of a plastic Cadian flamer and the Cultist flamer from Dark Vengeance. Kranon's sword has been removed and his hand kept in place. The whole thing has been topped off with a flame made from a top-knot, something I've done previously on flamers in one of my Havoc squads.

Also WiP, a mutilator.
As the official models are ugly as sin, I thought I'd go for a different look.
The Cthulu-esque mouth tentacles are echoed in my warp-talons. They'll be along next time!
An ogre, a tau gun drone and some hormagaunts all contributed to this one!

The BIG WiP: Forgefiend

Here's something I took a few hours this weekend to put together. It's entirely made of spare parts. Well. And wood.

I'll be sticking some green glowy parts not only for some eyes but also on the ends of the autocannon barrels, as I can't really drill them without splitting the skewers!!

The head and neck are removable revealing a hollow chest cavity in which I will be putting a green LED, which will give a daemonic glow through the slits in the shoulders

I haven't copied the shape of the forgefiend exactly but it's pretty close!

I've magnetised the autocannons and of course there's a space in the mouth, so I have the option of making a triple EctoPlasma 'fiend too. I'm excited to see how he does on the tabletop.

That's all for this time... Warp Talons and cultists next time I think...

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