Sunday, 16 September 2012

LED challenge marine!

So, I was recently challenged by the local GW staffer, and some regulars, to put an LED inside a regular marine.

So I did. 
The light is orange, I would have preferred green but I only remembered to do it the night before the challenge was due!
The extra tall base (I may put some Tyranids/zombies climbing up it for that classic DOOM feel) hides the wiring, and to be fair, is a lot taller than it needs to be, mainly as I was on a time constraint, but also as my soldering skills are a little sub-par (well, and my soldering iron is pretty much broken).

I took one of those 4-for-£1 electric tea lights (poundland has them), which not only contained a power source and LED, but circuitry to make the LED flicker in a 'fiery' way, which really adds to the effect. I then snipped the LED away from its original wiring and re-soldered it to wires that passed up through the Chaos Space Marines legs. That means that there is no wiring on the outside of the model, which is excellent, the LED itself being housed in the chest/neck area, which was all hollowed out with a drill. The base has that strange gap in it to allow access for the battery cover slide.

As an aside, I would love to make the muzzle-flash bits light up, but this was the first time I'd attempted any, and I think they turned out O.K. as they are. I made them by whittling down bits of sprue, and then shaping them further with a dremel.

More light up madness to follow no doubt!

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