So a while back I started work on an Ork-themed chaos space marine army, and while that continues along on the backburner along with my treemarines I, as usual, can't resist making another chaos army.
So this time, instead of the Powers of Chaos, instead of Gork'n'Mork, these marines worship the Hive Mind!
My inspiration for this army came along with the Crimson Slaughter book and the opportunity it brought to take possessed as troops. I've always like possessed so the chance to make them a useful part of an army list is really something! To that end, I converted up a squad using the limited bits I have available to me at the moment - Nids.
The marine bodies are those of raptors/warp talons, the dynamic poses they offer go much better with the genestealers. |
The genestealers I've used are a mix of newer models and the old 2nd edition ones, which are still decent sculpts. |
Given that I've already deviated totally from what CSM are meant to look like, let alone the 'slaughter, I tried out a totally different colour scheme.
There are actually 4 different blues going on for the skin here, and the bone armour is painted over a catachan green (or whatever the replacement for camo green is called). Suffice to say, it looks horrible with the green next to the blue, so I'm please with how well the bone and blue has come out. The yellow was chosen as a bright contrast as only the fleshtone was very different.
I really really hate highlighting black, so I've tried to keep it to a minimum, the black blades of weapons is simply given a coat of 'ard coat.
The black parts of the armour and skin (like the backs of legs/inner elbow) use the kngkngihghhth oxide technical paint, which is an odd one.
This was the first one I tried. The base uses mourn mountain snow to hold some white sand in place - snow went much better than any grass or rock effect I could think of. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Helfexes? Dreadfexes? I'm not really sure. Either way, they were fun to build, and I'm really looking forward to running them as some of the helbrute formations - specifically the trio of deepstriking nasties and cultist meatshield ones.
TL Heavy Bolter and Heavy Flamer - lots of STR5 AP4 might not be the most powerful but anti-infantry is what's needed here, he's a dreadnought remember, so pretty good at smashing up tanks, especially if he gets to deepstrike. |
This guy has the dubious honour of having the meatshield cultists. If he goes mad he's likely to destroy them all, but hey, being a cultist always sucks. |
You don't need to deepstrike right next to things to put the hurt on them, so a multi-melta and missile launcher should do nicely. I realise a lascannon would be a better and more complimentary range, but if I'm deepstriking then getting inside 24" isn't a problem. |
These guys are made of a lot of carnifex I had lying around, the heavy weapons from the immolator, their heads are the objective marker servo skulls trimmed down, and the tails and armour bits are leftovers from the maulerfiend/forgefiend kit that has become the thing below:
I would have loved to have the exocrine or mutalith mouth, but this will have to do for now! |
I'm quite pleased with him, though having used all his actual lasher tendrils for tails, I had to get inventive with the claws.
Next time, the final dread, the unlucky (meatshield) cultists, the hiveheldrakecrone and hopefully a few other bits of silly CSM nid stuff. Unless orks come out and distract me.
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