Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Aaaand a Chaos Update.

What's that? Another HQ model? Yep. Sorry world.

Kharn The Betrayer, or as I like to call him, Kharn the previously-nice-guy-who-isn't-actually-that-bad

This time though, it's a regular model! I haven't tree-d it! Colour Scheme match proved sufficient, the head being a rather important part to this classic model.


Aaand another one. This one I showed in my first picture-post, I painted him a while ago but only just got round to his glowy-stuff in the last few weeks.
The glow stuff is melted blast template/sprue.

This guy is meant to be either a steed-mounted sorceror of slannesh or a lord of slannesh (with burning brand. Can't get enough of dat brand). Outflank is so much fun, it'd be a shame not to take him.

I finally finished off my possessed squad too, the guy on the right here is being split down the middle by yet more green fire stuff, courtesy of a spare flamer template.


In order to prove that the tree marines aren't nurgle all the time, I decided to brake-fluid and repaint the plague marines I bought back in 2001 or something when I first dabbled with Chaos.

As I'd already used greens and browns I went with an off-white-greenish-bone colour to represent the scions of papa nurgle, following the same helmet and right shoulder pad deviation from the standard colour scheme as all the other cults in my army. I'm pretty pleased with the result. And goddamn is nuln oil an amazing product.


Last but certainly not least, it wouldn't be a blog post from me without a ridiculous WiP of something made out of the wrong thing!!

I present to you the <£10 Blight Drone!!!

Pretty close I think!!

Close up of the pilot and gun mounts.

Rotors are a bitch. Screw you rotors. 

I'll be greenstuffing over the tyre so it doesn't look like an anime unicycle. 

 As you can see, it didn't escape the tree-parts, though it could easily have been something else on the back end. This is also pre-greenstuff, so there'll be a few minor alterations on the finished kit.

The whole model involves:
1 chaos biker kit
1 kebab skewer
1 flying stand
1 HW team base
4 Terminator-size bases
1 defiler armour plate
1 tree branch
2 different sizes of plastic tubing (though these could just as easily be greenstuff/a drinking straw)

I figure all that can be bought for under a tenner, and it didn't take long to do either! It'd be even easier if it wasn't for the bastard rotor things being so fiddly. Without a dremel, I wouldn't do it again. Though I have a dremel, so I will be doing it again, at least once, maybe twice :D

I was initially going to scult a head like the FW model, but I think the addition of a hard-wired pilot is at the very least quite novel and adds a bit of character, keeping in line with my 'hey, it's a nurgle army that isn't quite nurgle. Or is it?" theme. Plus it keeps greenstuff to a minimum  and the parts used largely found in the biker kit!!

Until next time...

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