Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A few of the Chaos Tree HQs

I'll be posting mostly about my Chaos Space Marine army, as its the force I keep coming back to and adding to every year, no matter what other tasty morsels GW throw out at me - I always find a way to justify using it as Chaos instead.

Since Summoned Daemons (of the lesser and greater variety) are rumoured to be facing the banhammer from the 6th ed. CSM codex, I guess I'll also be straying into Chaos Daemon territory here too!

I haven't got a name for these guys yet, suggestions are welcome!

First up - the oldest of my HQ models for this army.

Here you can see the tone of the army pretty well, he's a mish-mash of various CSM parts, with a good deal of fantasy bits thrown in. And obviously, the ever present Dryads.

If you're wondering, as many opponents and other games have whenever these guys come out to play 'is it Nurgle?' then no, it's just Chaos Undivided (though they do moonlight as followers of the plague god occasionally, especially when Epidemus is about). The Simple explanation is that I was really, really taken with the Wood Elf Dryad Kit, hence my choice to incorporate it and other wood/tree parts into the army as much as possible! I think it makes for a pretty sweet theme. 


Next up, a Chaos Lord, counts as on a Disc of Tzeentch - in Lieu of a storm shield equivalent I gave him the MoT for that delicious invunerable boost, and the extra attack from the steed makes it better than a jump pack in my book! I usually count him as having a power fist - the idea was that he'd go punch tanks or something.
This time the tree theme is a little more subtle - as it is on all my 'marked' models - just having part of the citadel wood as a shield. The mace thingy is from some Skaven plague monks I believe.


This next guy has always been one of my favourite HQs (although his damn hammer has fallen off more times than I care to count), doubly so now that he's real T5! Thankyou 6th ed! You can see from his driver the wider look of my army - branches instead of horns. I'll stick up a picture of a few squads another time. 
That stupid hammer... grrr... It's normally a Daemon Weapon if you were wondering.


Now for this chap, my Terminator Lord (with Daemon Weapon again - I just like modelling them, they always kill themselves...). Note that I'm not awesome at painting lighting effects, the green flame stick thing and the shiny bit on the tree branch in front of him is Necron green rod sprues that I've attacked with a soldering iron - I've found it can be sculpted pretty well with some patience (and preferably a gas mask - I don't recommend anyone do it unless they own something like one!). 
His arms are from an Ogre Irongut I think. Like the last 3, he's a few years old now!


Lastly for this post, I'll stick up a few pictures of some WiP Lords/Sorcerors that aren't quite done yet - I hope you enjoy them! I'll repost when they're done. 
This guy I just made as a bog standard power sword and plasma pistol Lord. I don't expect him to achieve much. Also, he features a couple of metal parts, which is something I normally try to avoid if I can. 

This is Chaos Lord N'kage. Because Mr. Cage is a phenomenal actor, O.K? 

Apparently now I put everything on a mount... I've 3 centaur marines to accompany him in the works so far - counting as bikers. Let's hope the new CSM codex gives me a more chaotic option for them to fill in as! 

Well, I hope you like what little of my work you've seen - like I mentioned, the finished ones shown here are all pretty old so my painting has improved is a little different nowadays. I'll get round to photographing a few more bits of my collection soon.

Next Time - CSM squads and Daemons. 

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