Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Long time no update.

So, I've joined the ranks of those irritating bloggers who update only when they feel like it and don't bother to commit to a schedule. THE BASTARDS

Anyway - as it's been such a crazily long time, here are a few of the things I've been up to, not all of them, but by no means as many as I should have liked to have done.


Supermarine Techmarine with Thunderfire Cannon

 So yeah... I needed a thunderfire and techmarine to go with it, but only had the ancient 3rd ed. space marine command squad techmarine sans backpack (it went to a better, more chaosy place years ago and will stay there, albeit on a different model very shortly). So I fumbled together this monstrosity using bits of the drop pod kit, ork lootaz and various other bitz.

I'm particularly pleased with the targeting computer thingy he's about to use the touch screen on. He's totally playing Angry Servo Skulls.


WiP Bloodthirster twins

So the new Daemon codex arrived, some people love it, some people hate it, mostly people are all 'meh' about the whole thing. I really like it, to the extent that its finally made me put together the two old, metal bloodthirsters I had kicking around in a box. Seriously, one of them is super-scary, 2 of them (though this will cost between 500 and 600pts haha), two should prove a nightmare for anyone.

Obviously, given that the original pose wasn't very interesting and the old head looked like the balrog's disabled cousin, I had to change something.
Entirely supported by that one arm. This is a precarious miniature.

Entirely supported by one leg. Because I'm a masochist or something.

Ok so I changed a few things, most obviously putting dire wolf heads on, dire wolves being:
a) dog like and hence suited to khorne,
b) big enough and
c) conveniently in my bitz box.

I've tried to make the poses a lot more exciting, which meant pinning EVERYTHING, which wasn't much fun. So I'm feeling slightly more tempted by finecast these days, as I might be able to make interesting conversions without reinforced steel beams.

Planned paintjob will be either very bright reds or browns. Because, y'know, I don't paint enough models brown.


Not Huron Blackheart

Speaking of brown... Huron Blackheart has, of late, lent his aide to the tree-chaos thingys, for all that guaranteed infiltrating goodness and marine-smacking CC prowess. However, I'm not one to buy the actual model if I can help it, so here's a WiP of this guy.

His 'tyrant's claw' is a dark eldar jetbike exhaust with kroot blades on it. BECAUSE THOSE ARE THINGS THAT MAKE HANDS. 
He's not as beefy as the actual huron, but it's fairly obvious who he's meant to be, especially with his very own hamaydra-esque tree thingywhatsit crawling on his back.
After he's finished I may utilise the hole in his hand as a peg slot to give him a gout of glowy flame or something. Because I can.


The Kreldarids

Ok, so that isn't actually what they're called, but it's a pretty good amalgamation of what they are.

Left to right: Incubi, Wych, Archon, Warrior, Warrior.

These are a few models (I can't be bothered to get them all out the box right now) from a 1000pt army (fieldable at 900pts without vehicle upgrades) using the dark eldar codex that I put together in a week, (probably a few hours a day for 7 days), all the way from concept to finished paintjob.

The Archon close up. Note his club of beating (a huskblade, what else!?)
I Might put something on the incubi's shield, but then again I might not.

As you can see, these chaps are constructed using a kroot warrior as a base, with a tyranid ripper cut in half to represent the head and tail. The skin was mostly done with washes, with some drybrushing here and there.

I decided to avoid metallic colours in the palette as I thought it'd keep them more 'tribal', plus obsidian bladed weapons look really cool.

I made this army because I needed a 900pt army for the following week and I had 7 old-style raider chassis sitting around that I've been looking for an excuse to use. A short rummage around the bitz box (es) revealed that while 3rd ed. dark eldar models were awful, kroot are great and ripper heads fit very nicely indeed.

There are 4 Raiders and 3 Ravagers in this army. Which is quite mean at 900pts. 

The plan is to add an allied eldar detachment to take it up to 1500pts, solely jetbike models represented by miniature dragons. Watch this space!


Summfink Green iz stirring in da warp...

So, Space Marines only ever get disenfranchised with the Imperium because they wanna worship Chaos?


This is a fantastic hat. I had to use it.

So, here are a few fellas from my unit of Chosen, kitted out with all manner of orky nonsense.

Why can't they worship Gork'n'Mork? They are obviously real in the 40k universe, and exposure to their power doesn't necessarily mean the inquisition mind wipe you, your family and everyone who you ever made eye contact with so it's feasible that someone because fairly impressed with their power and thought 'hey, that seems like a bandwagon I could jump on'.

Also, it's easier to learn Orkish than the Daemon-tongue. Kghahhhwwkjkkr'hlk doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "OI, MATE!"

Ok, it's a fairly stupid idea but I think it's going to turn out amusingly enough.

I trimmed down their heads with a knife to look like skulls. 

Also, here are some of their daemonic allies (Bloodletters, can't you tell?).

I quite like the ethereal effect that's come out on these ghost-orks (Ghorks?), loosely based on this
this guide I found. Well done that man, whoever he is (though I had to do a few more coats etc. to get it to my liking, probably as these models aren't meant to be ethereal!).

Look how much blood they're letting. So much blood.
So yeah, an Orky army with no Orks. S'gonna be fun! Next stop, avatar of Gork (or possibly Mork)!